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The Authority has for the past six years partnered with KFS to help restore the degraded Mangrove Forest and so far, has planted over 47,000 mangrove tree seedlings, with an impressive rate of over 90%. As a responsible organization, the team was led by Board Chair Moses Njenga, Board members and Godfrey Kiptum, IRA Commissioner of Insurance and CEO in participating in the Authority's annual mangrove reforestation initiative at the Big Ship mangrove conservancy site in Ganahola, Mikindani, Mombasa County on 7th June 2024.

The Authority collaborating with the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), Big Ship Community Based Organisation and the Ganahola community jointly planted 12,000 mangrove shoots in a bid to further restore dilapidated sections of the mangrove forests dotting the section of the Indian Ocean coastline. Since inking the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Kenya Forest Service in 2019, the Authority has continuously restored sections of the degraded mangrove site in Ganahola, Mikindani ward.

In his remarks, Mr. Kiptum thanked the Big Ship Conservancy and Ganahola communities for partnering with the Authority and KFS to safeguard the delicate mangrove forest since 2019. He emphasized the importance of the activity and Authority’s alignment to the Government’s ambitious agenda to plant 1.5 billion trees by 2023, to reduce greenhouse emissions, halt and reverse deforestation, and restore 5.1 million hectares of degraded landscapes, as outlined in the African Landscape Restoration Initiative launched on December 22, 2022.

On his part, the Board Chair Mr. Moses Chege, highlighted the importance of conserving mangrove forests for climate resilience noting the role of mangrove ecosystems as one of the largest carbon sinks on Earth. He also spoke on the success of the restoration efforts owing to the expansive sections of forests at the site, which have also provided a source of livelihood for the community and environs. He also reiterated the Authority’s commitment to protecting and restoring the vital ecosystems.

Kenya Forest Service Mombasa County Conservator Mr. Wekesa, who was present, lauded the Authority for a job well done in the fight against climate change, particularly through the mangrove reforestation initiative.
In his remarks, he appreciated the success of the initiative noting that this was possible through a holistic approach from the Authority, KFS and the forest community. He assured the Authority of the Service’s support in partnering in the reforestation initiative, as per the MoU’s terms and conditions.

Big Ship Conservancy CBO represented by Ms. Susan noted the timeliness of the tree planting exercise. She highlighted this year’s World Environment Day’s theme which revolved around environmental stewardship amidst recent floods and cyclones which recently hit Tanzania’s coastline exposing the population to imminent disaster. She also thanked the Authority for being a steadfast supporter of Big Ship’s mission of the site’s restoration and reclamation efforts.

The planting exercise formed part of the Authority’s activities to commemorate World Environment Day which is celebrated on 5th June every year.

Quarter 1

xcelQ1 2024 Claims Statistics

pdfQ1 2024 Claims Report

Mr. Godfrey Kiptum, MBS
Commissioner of Insurance & Chief Executive Officer




John Kalai Musee - Director, Supervision





Titus Osero - Senior Manager, Actuarial and Data Analytics


Jacqueline Nanyama - Senior Manager, Intermediaries

Mary Naliki Nkoimu - Senior Manager, Prudential Supervision

Senior Manager, Licensing & Enforcement


Anne Chelagat

Director, Market Conduct


Teresia Kabura Mburu 

Senior Manager, Consumer Education


Monicah Thirima

Senior Manager, Consumer Protection


Robert Kuloba - Director 

Research, Innovation Policy & Strategy


Diana Sawe Tanui

Corporation Secretary & Director, Legal Services


Esther Musyoki - Director, Corporate Services





Noella Masakwe Mutanda - Senior Manager, Corporate Communications










Eric Kisilu - Senior Manager, ICT

Senior Manager, Finance

Senior Manager, Human Resources


Joan W. Kirika

Director, Internal Audit


Felix Chelimo

Senior Manager, Supply Chain Management


Mr. Godfrey Kiptum, MBS

Commissioner of Insurance & Chief Executive Officer


Directorate of Supervision

The Directorate is responsible for the supervision and regulation of the insurance industry as provided for under Section 3A of the Insurance Act. This Directorate is charged with ensuring effective administration and control of insurance and reinsurance business in Kenya, enforcing standards for the conduct of insurance and reinsurance business in Kenya, licensing of insurance and reinsurance companies and advising the Government on the national policy to be followed in order to ensure adequate insurance protection and security for national assets and national properties. The Directorate is also charged with developing supervisory guidelines and prudential standards for better administration of the insurance industry, conducting inquiries and sharing information with other regulatory authorities. The Directorate is comprised of Prudential Supervision, Licensing and Enforcement, Intermediaries Supervision and Actuarial & Data Analytics Departments.


Kalai Musee

Director, Supervision

Titus Osero

Senior Manager, Actuarial and Data Analytics

Jacqueline Nanyama

Senior Manager, Intermediaries



Mary Nkoimu

Senior Manager, Prudential Supervision

Directorate of Market Conduct

The Directorate is responsible for promoting the development of the insurance industry and protecting the interest of the insurance policyholders and beneficiaries by ensuring that the conduct of insurance players is in the interest of policyholders and beneficiaries as provided for under section 3A of the Insurance Act. It is comprised of Consumer Protection and Consumer Education Departments.

Anne Chelagat

Director, Market Conduct

Teresia Mburu

Senior Manager, Consumer Education

Monicah Thirima

Senior Manager, Consumer Protection

Directorate of Research, Innovation, Policy and Strategy

The Directorate is responsible for initiating, formulating and implementing innovative policies and practices that support institutional development and promotes development of the insurance industry. The Directorate supports the Authority in achieving its strategic objectives by generating knowledge and information to inform policy and decision making through research, innovation, policy, and strategy. It is charged with developing and reviewing relevant policies, procedures and guidelines to promote innovation in market development, undertaking research, promoting adoption and growth of innovative initiatives in the insurance development, market development and business re-engineering. The Directorate is supported by two Departments namely; Research & Innovation and Policy & Strategy Departments.

Robert Kuloba

Director Research, Innovation Policy & Strategy

Directorate of Corporation Secretary & Legal Services

The Corporation Secretary & Legal Services Directorate is responsible for facilitating the development of legal and regulatory framework, providing secretarial services to the Board and advising the Board and Management on legal matters. It is charged with facilitating the development of supervisory guidelines and prudential standards and provision of legal services to the Authority including representation of the Authority in any legal proceedings. In addition, this Directorate is responsible for conducting legal research, statutory review and legal validation to inform policy on insurance business and providing support to supervisory staff on the application and interpretation of the Insurance Act. The Directorate is also responsible for preparation of corporate memoranda, review and recommendation of legal documents and monitoring the Authority’s compliance with statutory obligations.

FCS Diana Sawe Tanui, FCIArb

Corporation Secretary & Director, Legal Services

Directorate of Corporate Services

The Directorate is instrumental in supporting the Authority achieve its mandate through provision of critical support services while maintaining high level of standards in service provision. The directorate is comprised of Finance, Human Resources, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Corporate Communication and Administration Departments. The Directorate is responsible for financial planning, management and control, Human Resources management, Information Communication Technology , Corporate Communication and Administration services.

CPA Esther Musyoki

Director, Corporate Services

Ahmed Ismail

Ahmed Ismail

Manager, Administration

Eric Kisilu

Eric Kisilu

Senior Manager, ICT


Directorate of Internal Audit

The Directorate is responsible for providing independent, objective assurance and consulting services designed to add value and improve the Authority’s operations. The mission is to enhance and protect organizational value by providing risk-based and objective assurance, advice, and insight. It helps the Authority accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of governance, risk management, and control processes.

CPA Joan Kirika

Director, Internal Audit

Supply Chain Management Department

The Department is responsible for acquisition of goods, works and services for the Authority. The function is carried out in strict adherence to the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Act, 2015, Amendment 2022 and the Public Procurement and Asset Disposal Regulations, 2020. Some of its functions include but not limited to; Maintain and update annually standing lists of registered suppliers required by the Authority; Prepare, publish and distribute procurement and disposal opportunities including invitations to tender, pre-qualification and registration documents; Co-ordinate the receiving and opening of tender documents; Co-ordinate the evaluation of tenders; Prepare and publish tender awards; Implement the decisions of the accounting officer including disposal committee and coordinating all procurement activities; Monitor contract management by user departments to ensure implementation of contracts in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contracts; Co-ordinate internal monitoring and evaluation of the supply chain function; and Prepare consolidated procurement and asset disposal plans.

Felix Chelimo

Senior Manager, Supply Chain Management

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