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Mr. Chemiron was appointed to the Board effective 19th May, 2023.

He is an accomplished economist currently studying for Doctor of Philosophy in Economics at Egerton University. He has taught in Department of Economics, Egerton University as a lecturer for over 25 years with specialisation in Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. He has also taught in the School of Business and Economics at Moi University.

Previously, Mr. Chemiron worked in Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC), taught in various high schools in Kenya, served as a director in both Agricultural Development Corporation (ADC) and the Industrial Development Bank - Capital (IDB-C) Limited. He has also served and chaired Boards of Management of various high schools in Kenya.

Mr. Chemiron has served the community in various capacities in Nandi Farmers SACCO Society Limited and Sireet Outgrowers Empowerment and Producer Company.

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